Monday 29 April 2013

A tiny update on a classic BLT

I wanted to add more vegetables to my diet as when I looked back over the past week, I'm barely getting 2 portions a day. It is not for lack of trying, I've just made recipes that have been heavy on meat and carbs such as rice. Last night was a chicken tikka with sauce and rice. Other than onions in the sauce the only concession to something green was coriander.
So, with this in mind I chose to add a little something colourful to my post workout gym session this morning. Therefore the classic bacon "butty" turned into a BLT or to be more accurate a BST as I substituted spinach for lettuce. I was quite happy with the result and even though I love the ultimate bacon butty this still did the trick.
Ok, ok it wasn't a huge amount of vegetables but better than nothing.

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