Friday 3 May 2013

Cauliflower, coconut and lentil curry

One thing that you could be almost guaranteed of never getting in Scotland was consistent, warm weather. Moving to Europe, specifically a part lower in latitude than Scotland, means that I should see a summer at long last. Today the temperature crept to over 20 degrees and the sun beating down was very welcome. It introduces a time when I can make a variety of salads utilising all the very best, fresh vegetables form this area. Tonight though, I looked into the fridge and saw a cauliflower looking lonely so I decided that as it was Friday, and as it really wasn't too hot just yet, a Friday night curry was in order.

This recipe comes from an old edition of the UK Delicious. magazine and is still available on their website. I began by frying cumin seeds in oil and then adding small florets of a medium sized cauliflower until they were golden brown. These were removed from the pan, more oil and cumin seeds added and also, after a minute, chopped onions. These were cooked for around ten minutes until softened and then chopped garlic, ginger and chillies were added. After two minutes there were the spices - cumin, turmeric, curry powder and coriander seeds - which were cooked off for another two minutes. The cauliflower was then returned to the pan along with a tin of coconut milk and two large skinned, chopped tomatoes. This mixture was cooked until the cauliflower was softened, about ten minutes. Meanwhile 150g of lentils were cooked until thick and pureed for around twenty minutes. When the cauliflower was softened, I added the lentils to the pan and stirred them through. A bunch of chopped coriander with salt to taste was the finishing touch.

Unfortunately in my haste to eat this delicious concoction I neglected to take a photo to show you. Maybe next time.


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