Wednesday 1 May 2013

May day.....and a hangover

I forgot what hangovers felt like....arrgghhh.

I woke up today with a sore head and feeling so sluggish that I did not want to move. However, I had a lunch date so I had to drag myself out of bed, shower and drive over the border to Germany for 12pm. Unfortunately, what neither of us planned was that May day is a holiday in Germany and therefore everything was shut. We had planned a light lunch at a German bakery - Landbakerei Stinges. You can choose your type of bread roll, and then cheese, ham, salad, remoulade etc. however you want it. The bread rolls they have really are superior to what you get in a standard, national bakery in the UK. And the best part is the price. All for around 2 euros 50. But, today was not the day for a sandwich.

As luck would have it, we quickly found a small Turkish restaurant which was open. I had aubergines and cheese for starters and a lamb kebab for a main course. It really was too much food, especially as I was feeling a bit delicate, but it was very tasty. The starter was a definite yes, but the lamb/doner meat was fatty and had been fried or cooked rather too well. I would try the place again but go for real lamb or beef next time.

Feeling replenished, I went stopped at one of the many farms in this region to buy spargles - white asparagus. I also replenished the fridge with lots of vegetables and fruit, bearing in mind my so far unsuccessful promise to myself earlier in the week to eat more vegetables.


By the evening though, I felt completely drained and nearly contemplated a frozen pizza for dinner. This is what excessive alcohol does to my system. I spent 3 weeks without any alcohol in April and I had energy spilling out of me. Now, I couldn't even contemplate getting up off the settee. The thought of that afternoon's shopping spurred me on though and instead of waiting 20-30 minutes to heat up the oven and cook pizza, I devised a Mediterranean flavours asparagus recipe.

Mediterranean Tomatoes and Asparagus

Slice three or four tomatoes and place in a roasting tin which has been sprayed with oil. Thinly slice one or two garlic gloves and press these slices into the sliced tomatoes. Drizzle over olive oil and seat salt and roast for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees C.
20 minutes before the tomatoes are ready, peel the white asparagus and cut off 1-2 inches. If using green asparagus, snap the woody end off. There is no need to peel green asparagus.
Rub the spears in olive oil and place on a heated grill pan or frying pan and cook for 10-15 minutes until soft.
To serve, place the tomatoes on a plate, top with the asparagus spears and then sprinkle with chopped olives and capers. Drizzle over the juice from the roasting pan and a good balsamic vinegar.


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